Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Body Prep Continues

Dave Folk says we are getting too far ahead of him as we prepare body sections for filler and paint.  Good problem to have!

Usual participants on 5/26 - Ray, Clay, Dave M, Dave F, Al, and Vince.  We temporarily installed the passenger side fender so Dave F can weld the lower replacement panel into correct position.  And did more prep work.  Coming along well.

Vince installing those nasty bolts on the backside of the fender under the dash

Dave F continuing to do bodywork while Al and Dave M have some kind of serious discussion in the background

Dave F again doing bodywork.  He's got a nice selection of neat tools for bodywork, Clay particularly enjoyed playing with his plasma cutter to prepare the passenger side fender adder panel.

Monday, May 18, 2015

May 12 and 16 Pictures

Body work is progressing and Dave Folk welded a bar on the backside of the" crack of doom" and then welded the crack. This should be a great fix for a common problem.

More welding pics

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Work Day #2

Here's the report from Ray:

Another good day and progress made.  Dave Mullen, Dave Folk, Clay Robinson
and Ray Graham working.

Continued to sort
Began sanding...good progress...on bonnet, replacement fender, rear 1/2, and
driver side front fender
Dave F. had cut out the driver side outer sill
Straightened some minor body damage to rear passenger side valance edge
Plugged air pump holes engine intake
Continued to use POR 15 neutralizer spray prep on any bare metal and (or)
minor rust spots

Next Tuesday at 9:00...plan to roll the car into driveway to degrease and
power wash engine and engine compartment.

And pictures: